Platinum Mechanical Ltd is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees, customers, members of the public and anyone else who are affected by our operations.
Health & Safety Policy
The management will ensure
- That significant risks are assessed
- Suitable and sufficient measures are adopted to allow each employee/contractor to carry out his/her duties safely and without risk to health.
- Suitable equipment will be provided and maintained in a safe condition.
- Safe systems of work will be devised.
The company shall strive to achieve continuous improvement in Health & Safety performance by providing:
- Training, personal protective equipment, adequate equipment/tools, maintenance for this equipment,
- External advice where necessary and any other resource necessary to ensure the Health and Safety of our staff.
- Suitable training for both management and operatives, in particular where new work practices or equipment are introduced.
- Each employee/contractor will be made aware of his/her responsibility for his/her own health and safety and that of others.
- All employees/contractors will be given the opportunity to consult with the management on matters relating to Health & Safety.
- All our operatives hold a Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) skill card.
Environmental Policy
Platinum Mechanical has a policy to comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other associated statutory legislation and Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP). This applies to all those who are directly/indirectly employed within the company.
It is our policy to:
Reduce the level of energy consumption and obtain utility and hardware supplies from environmentally friendly organisations
- Recycle equipment, waste products, and redundant items and conserve natural resources.
- Use, store, control and dispose of hazardous materials in line with best environmental practices.
In particular, it is our policy to:
- Aim to reduce pollution and actively pursue reduction in the use of substances, processes and procedures that adversely affect the environment.
- Consult with employees in relation to environmental control.
- Continually improve the firm’s environmental performance by setting annual targets and reviewing our objectives and measure the progress.